is the day to spice it up; get a strawberry margarita.
I'm going to warn you right now, this week is going to blow you away, so set your your phasers to 'stun.' New things, fun things, and an interview that explains, literally, the origin of Claire Zulkey, so you might want to call your office, draw the blinds, 'cause you're staying in this week.
This week and the last are pretty interesting. Just over 7 days ago was the one-year anniversary of my college graduation, where, of course, the dean calling me pronounced my name "Zuck-lee." Nothing encapsulates 4 years of rigorous education than somebody telling you that they saw you slap your own forehead as you were receiving your diploma.
Not shortly after that time, though, was my first submission and acceptance onto one of these fine websites to which I consider myself a regular (and they still pretend not to know who I am.) The piece? "Employment Cover Letter from a Graduating Senior," on Dezmin, which ran almost exactly a year ago today. I did not write this to be published, mind you--I wrote it in frustration of churning out hundreds of insincere cover letters of my own. It was for the entertaininment of me, my roommates, and anybody who happened to use the bathroom of Lisner #1 that year. Thanks to Dave Reidy, though, it was the start of something really cool. Also, it was the start of my parents chiding me for using bad language in my writing.
Thanks to all my editors, readers, writers and new and old friends. I will be sure to forget all about you when I am rich and famous. Wait, did I just really type that out? Because I meant to think it instead.