Please make me a success

Today is the day to yodel.

Is it kosher to ask your friends to help you out by keeping your already high-profile project high-profile? Jonathan Safran Foer raises this question as he supposedly emails his friends to ask them to buy his book for the purpose of keeping his book on the Times best-seller list. Who knows if it's cool, but it's certainly been done before. Just check it out:

James Cameron begged his grandparents to see "Titanic" five more times apiece to keep it number one at the box office.

Michael Jordan called up some ex-girlfriends to ask them to buy Bulls tickets to continue the sold-out streak. Says he's sorry for ignoring them but this would really help him out and make him look good.

Albert Einstein sent a memo to high school teachers around the country asking them to really 'promote the hell' out of E=MC² just so everybody knows whose really right.

Jerry Seinfeld handed out flyers outside his apartment asking passers-by to tune into the last episode of his show, just to make sure that it's really well-watched.

God came down from Heaven to announce that the Bible is now available in paperback, and for 30% off at Barnes and Noble with purchase of a muffin.