Announcing the lineup for Funny Ha-Ha: That's Not Funny.

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26349818410_8d38bf3000_b.jpgFunny Ha-Ha, the show I produce that is a live lit reading where all the readings are funny (and not necessarily readings), is coming back to the famous Hideout on Friday June 23 from 6:30-8 PM. These fabulous people will peform for your delight and mirth:

Co-host of XX, Will Travel Ines Bellina

Drunk Monkeys host Erica Reid

The Kates producer Kelsie Huff

18-time Moth Slam winner Nestor "The Boss" Gomez

This Much Is True's Scott Whitehair Scott Whitehair

Cat Drawing Guy and host of "Steve Gadlin's Star Makers" Steve Gadlin

Weird filmmaker Steve Delahoyde.
$10 at the door, proceeds benefit Sit! Stay! Read! Save the date for this one!Â