Making sure that all the necessary paperwork and supplies are in to my kid's school
Getting the boys signed up for their various weekend fall classes
Buying stuff for our street's block party
Taking the baby to the doctor and seeing if we can keep him from destroying the office in the process
The tortoise (I got a call back but I'm not sure if the owner wants to speak with me and I don't really blame her)
Our older son's sleep issues which are tearing us apart (not really but kinda)
Figuring out if there is a way to slow down the cruel march of time on my skin or if this is just something I should get used to
A new family budgeting system that includes putting monthly bills on the calendar so that we know what is being taken out when and I will be a little more discouraged from ordering in if we know the ComEd bill or whatever is being paid the next day.
Putting together the running order and doing the final run-up for Funny Ha-Ha
An idealistic commitment to the boys' sleeping and eating well in what is probably an overly optimistic push to get "on track" for fall.
Erasing all the old/dumb photos from my iPhone and uploading the rest because that is a metaphor for my general feeling of control and organization
Raising money for my preferred presidential candidate
Wishing it was fall and yet knowing in five or six months I will marvel that it was ever summer
Trying to make sure I remember not to drop the ball in terms of keeping up with my friends' birthdays/kids' health issues/triathalons/workloads/trips.
Researching and writing questions for an upcoming interview
Not drinking for two weeks on a self-imposed temporary abstinence plan that will undoubtedly become very challenging starting Friday night.