Textbook is coming: Come see Amy Krouse Rosenthal at the Bean!

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61Zh2ptuuCL.jpgMy friend Amy Krouse Rosenthal has a new book coming out next week called Textbook, the follow up to her memoir Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. Like Encyclopedia, Textbook is a memoir that asks its readers to interact with the author, in ways I won't go into now but you can possibly infer from the title if you have any clue of how much Amy loves wordplay.

To celebrate the release of her book, next week on Tuesday, August 9 (8/9) she'll be at her favorite place on earth: "The Bean" (also known as Cloudgate) in downtown Chicago, from 8:09 AM - 8:09 PM. The book, like Amy, is extraordinary--I received it Monday and finished it last night and it made me smile and feel a bit weepy and laugh. I bet you'll love it too.

I think you should come by Amy's event because it'll definitely not be like your typically book release party. And I plan on being there! If you want to say hi, I will be in attendance from about 12PM-1 PM.

Come downtown! Buy a book! Say hi.

Find the video invite below: