I had a bit of a shit day yesterday--for the second day in a row my juices just weren't flowing, plus I had an unpleasant experience at a restaurant where I asked a lady if she could lower the volume on her son's iPhone game and she bit my head off and also refused a follow-up apology. It's a funny story in retrospect this morning but I physically get stressed when I'm involved in confrontation so I was exhausted and bummed out afterwards. I also took the baby to the doctor where he got three shots so he was feverish and sad in the evening (Paul was very intrigued by how James got his temperature taken via his booty.) Then a story I was working on got killed by the source, for reasons that were understandable but it was a bit of a downer.
Normally I spend a lot of time each day curating my to-do lists: adding items, crossing them off, postponing tasks as needed and so on. I probably waste a lot of time doing it but it gives me satisfaction to have it carefully organized. Typically after a day like yesterday I would have moved what I needed to onto the next day's list and most probably made a valiant effort to put a tiny bit of work into a few so I could feel like I'd done something. Instead I just turned the to-do list over and put it away. After putting the kids to bed and dinner I went right to bed at 8:45 without doing any of the things I typically tell myself I can't go to bed without doing, like making the coffee or folding a load of laundry or cleaning up the kitchen.
I have this meme as the wallpaper on my laptop but I pay attention to it much less than I would like to. But last night I kept it in mind:
And I feel better today, at least more optimistic. In a bunch of ways the day is very similar to yesterday's: another trip to the doctor, crappy weather, lunch out (but ideally without an argument this time.) I'm just hoping that even if I don't get everything done, tonight, I will feel less of a need to just throw up my hands.
Anyway, related, here are the to-do lists I have going on right now in Wunderlist:
- Groceries
- Shows/movies to watch
- Work
- Target shopping list
- Recurring dreams I have
- Thanksgiving groceries
- Pizzas to try
- Thanksgiving Schedule
- To do over break
My big dream is to turn off social media completely during the Thanksgiving break (based off an idea my friend Kelly had a few years ago, I am going to let my husband change all my passwords for me, which he is maybe a little too excited about.) Then I can tackle the important stuff, like the stuff on "To do over break" and, obviously, all those pizzas.