One more look at the resolutions

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February is over and I'm proud to say I have actually done some of this stuff--this is the last time I'll check in on this though because my standards for being productive, or just for anything in general, are rapidly going downhill as this pregnancy progresses:

1. To run a 5K (or more) before this pregnancy is over.

A photo posted by Claire Zulkey (@klarzulk) on

Status: Done! I ended up aborting the last week of training though because the week before the "race" I was due to run 4.5 miles, which would take me an hour or more, and I'm just not up for a straight hour of cardio right now. So I went to the gym and pounded it out in about 40 minutes, without stopping, too, and felt pretty good about it but I haven't run since and I probably won't run again until after the baby comes. But I dang did it. 

2. To finish my novel and maybe even send it off by the time this baby is born.
In progress. Last time I checked in the book was at 61,442 words. As of today (Saturday, Feb 28) it's at 70,224. That's not bad! (I only worked on the book on weekdays.) It is not done in a way where I would send it to anybody to read--there are lot of placeholders and I'm sure things that have been repeated and stuff that needs to be put in, but I got mostly near the end and I feel good taking March off to step away from it and think about it and get excited about it (and work on other, more pressing deadlines.) In April I plan to print it out, read through it, stay brave as I highlight where it needs to be most pressingly fixed/addressed, and go to work on that. As I've said this book may go nowhere and I am (relatively) okay with that but I'm very happy with the fact that if all goes according to plan it will have been written in a year and a half, which is basically like a 4-minute mile in book-writing time for me. 

3. To stay off Facebook and email on the weekends and holidays.
Still working on it. Last weekend I was sick and in bed and I fully admit the entire time I was either checking email/Facebook and simultaneously watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This weekend I have stayed off Facebook but checked my personal email a tiny bit. Next weekend Steve and I are doing a "staycation" (I hate that term yet it's so convenient) and I hope to stay offline totally except maybe posting whatever boastful Instagram photos are appropriate. But, I'm better so far at this than I have been in the past, so I'll keep trying.