Creative Brief: The rebranding of "Mom"

3454453630_0f4420bb38_z.jpgCREATIVE BRIEF
July 23, 2014

Project: Rebranding "Mom" as "Mommy"

Partners: Baby, Daddy, the mother

Through no sense of maliciousness, indeed, quite the opposite, thanks to Daddy's help, the mother has been rolled out as "Mom," thanks to exclamations like "What's Mom doing?" or "Hi Mom!" While there is nothing technically wrong with "Mom," the mother always thought it would be nice to be called "Mama" or at the very least "Mommy" before Baby became old and cynical enough to switch to "Mom."

The family; everyone with an interest in the family.

Primary: To rebrand "Mom" as "Mommy"
Secondary: To make the mother feel good.

From here on out, the mother will be referred to as "Mommy," either by Daddy or by the mother herself. Ideally, this will be incorporated by Baby. If Daddy finds himself referring to the mother as "Mom" he will immediately correct himself and revert to "Mommy." When the baby refers to the mother as "Mommy" he will be praised effusively.

Primary: Mommy is the best. Mommy is sweet. Mommy is just as good as Daddy.

Secondary: This is not weird at all.

Creative Considerations
Messaging will be positive and encouraging. While a switch to "Mommy" is ideal, the use of "Mom" will not be actively discouraged as the mother is just happy anyone is talking about her to begin with. A logo/graphic treatment is also being considered developed that can be tailored for use by emphasizing the brand of "Mommy" in order to create consistency throughout the program.

Deadlines & Deliverables
Digital & Data: Logo update; pro-"Mommy" video short
Editorial: Word of mouth messaging
Social Media: A lot, but ideally not so much that it's annoying.

Event Date: Now