Unsolicited endorsement: Sorel Helen of Tundra boots

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Here's what the weather is like right now where I live:


This morning already I got up and walked the dog, then drove to work, parked in a spot that I hope to get out of, and walked a block and a half to the office. It's cold in a way that isn't even worth mentioning anymore. It's just the same, every day. There are only a few things keeping me holding on to hope this miserable season, and one of them is the right winter gear. Since December I have been wearing a pair of boots that have played a big role in me getting me through this winter: The Sorel Helen of Tundra II.

6633_womens-sorel-helenoftundra_119_detail.jpgIf I didn't have the right boots, I would have probably burned the house down out of insanity and an attempt to keep warm, because it's bad enough when you have good boots but still end up taking them off and stepping in muddy slush puddles in your socks as you transition out of the good boots in the small lake that forms each time somebody comes in the house. Thanks to Sorel, however, I have kept it together more or less. I haven't fallen down yet. I'm not getting anything for this endorsement, by the way. In fact I don't think there are a ton of this style left, so you may be S.O.L. unless you chase them down on Ebay or have size 5 feet. But maybe you can find something similar, I don't know.

I actually received an earlier iteration of this boot for Christmas 2009. I liked them fine except that there was an inner lining inside the zipper that was always getting caught, which made them a bit irritating. Why I like Sorel so much though is that in January 2011, I tried to zip up the boot and the zipper got permanently stuck on said lining. I called the company to complain, and even though my call came a little bit past the one-year warranty date, they still sent me a new pair of boots. They arrived on January 31, 2011: the day of the last major Chicago blizzard. The new boots zipped great and I was happy I had something to walk around in once the snow had cleared up. If it weren't for these boots I wouldn't have been able to watch our dog do this:


The boots are wonderful because they're warm and skid-proof and durable, importantly, can be put on with no relative drama. I didn't need anything that tied up or buckled up or anything cute like that. One zip and you're ready to go. Perfect for walking your flying dog. I don't know if they're the cutest boots on earth, but all bets are off in the winter when it comes to cuteness. I've stopped trying to keep car-salt off my black winter coat and I happily wear a full scary balaklava when I go outside in public now.

But it all starts with the feet. Thank you, Sorel, for a fine product that has kept me warm and safe. I love these boots. They've been very good to me:


And you'll understand, of course, that I can't wait for the day that I don't have to wear these goddamn shits again.