1. When you borrow your best friend's wig and she's like "You're not going to wear it to the ostrich farm, are you?" and you're like "No, I promise!" and then this happens and someone is there and makes a gif of it:
2. When you're a fish and you jump out of the water to say hey to your friend the fisherman but at the last minute you second-guess your jump and this happens:
3. When that hot guy at school talks about how his #1 turn-on is a girl with a really graceful horse and you brag about how your horse always makes his jumps and so you take the guy to your horse farm and you're like "Jump, jump!" to your favorite horse and then this happens:
4. When you're a basketball player and you forget how shirts work:
5. When you challenge an otter to a slam dunk contest and you bet your mortgage and your wife's engagement ring and it's that moment where you realize you just got hustled by this guy:
6. When you're the disgraced mayor of Toronto and everyone agrees to forgive you if you can just throw one half-decent pass:
7. When you're finally about to get definitive footage of the elusive water-drinking patio door and a stupid baby comes along and ruins your shot:
all gifs via Gifrific.