

1. Will spend more time coordinating a night out than on the actual night out.

2. Don't understand what you're doing that you need to reschedule all the damn time but will do it anyway because they want to see you but swear the next time they are going to say something to you about it (but won't.)

3. Will paint their nails and wear perfume and shave their legs for said night out and yet have bathrooms that are covered in a visible layer of hair.

4. Would rather spend an extra $10 than one extra minute trying to figure out to split the bill evenly.

5. Will resent you all night if you order something healthy when they want to get something 'bad.'

6. Will carve the shared dessert down to an invisible crumb but never actually eat the last piece.

7. Need to insert a smiley face in an email when expressing a difference of opinion just to make sure that you know that a difference of opinion =/= "I hate you."

8. Go home after a baby or bridal shower and tell their significant others how lucky they were that they didn't have to go.

9. Really want to be able to tell you about the amazing poop they just had but aren't sure how that will go over.

10. Don't really like chocolate that much, despite what apparently everyone thinks of us.

11. Would rather eat a lot of cheese or maybe chips and guac.

12. Sometimes really hate having to take showers and doing all that shit that comes after it.

13. May talk about you with their other friends.

14. Pretend like you don't do the same.

15. Are too scared to tell you what they really feel yet will tell their significant other in detail what is wrong with him or her on a daily basis.

16. Feel bad about time passing and things changing, for some reason.

17. Work really hard to make it seem like they barely did any work at all when you came over and things just seemed so casually perfect like that all the time.

18. Are glad your significant other did something nice for you but don't need to hear every single detail.

19. Check their phones when they're in the bathroom while they're hanging out with you.

20. Just wanna get wasted and eat some crap with you without all the bullshit, like in the old days.

21. Would like you to say, up-front,what response you'd prefer to hear when you start talking, for the 90th time, about the same problem that you're not doing much about.

22. Will gently help you realize what is terrible about your personality.

23. Have significant others who are so sick of hearing about you.

24. Know when you're bragging via social media and get annoyed but know that eventually it will be their turn to do so.

25. Sometimes want to use you as a measuring stick for how crazy they feel and the ideal scenario is that you neither make them feel too crazy nor too sane.

26. Aren't sure we need to hug quite so much. Or maybe more? Should we hold hands too? We don't know sometimes. Magazines and TV shows and movies and greeting cards and coffee mugs make us unsure if we are doing this whole girlfriends thing correctly.

27. Are too nice to tell you they don't have time to read a list you sent them about what's so special about female-female relationships as opposed to any other type of relationship.

28. Probably have vaginas.