Is your ten month old crawling?
Studies have shown that the longer a baby crawls, the more likely he is to show signs of early reading interest, ability, comprehension and superior taste. But don't worry! Some babies never crawl at all. They simply go from sitting to walking, and then are never heard from again.
Does your baby sleep through the night?
Studies show that parents who establish a systematic "go to bed" routine every night, including a bath, book, singing, rocking, whispering, caressing, feeding, and small shared plates are more likely to sleep through the night. Is this not happening for your child yet? Don't worry! If your baby is not sleeping through the night by now, you probably didn't care that much about whether your baby slept through the night until now. Just follow our simple suggestions above to get your baby sleeping through the night and your baby will sleep through the night immedlatey. Unless something is wrong.
Does your baby speak?
Studies show that speaking to your baby often heightens a baby's speech capacity. Did you forget to speak to your baby? Do you not spend a lot of time with your baby each day because you work? Don't worry! It's perfectly natural if your baby calls his daycare provider "mama." If you think about it, it makes perfect sense.
Does your baby know sign language?
Studies have shown that teaching a little one sign language is a great bonding experience, can help prevent tantrums, communicate with members of the deaf community and ultimately have a more attractive college application. Has your child not yet learned sign language! Not to worry! This is merely an early indicator that your child may have a learning disability. Sign language often helps children with learning disabilities.
Does your child have teeth?
Are you brushing them?!?!? If you don't, they are all going to fall out!
Is your child weaned?
Studies have shown that the longer a child breastfeeds, she is more likely to fight off disease, have a higher IQ and be less likely to die from SIDS or anything at all. However, studies have also shown that for every day a baby breastfeeds after the age of one, the greater chance she has of suffering adult-onset weirdness. As long as you have agonized greatly over your choice whether to wean or not wean, it is going to be ok.
Is your child turning 1?
You need a theme for the birthday party.
Is your child eating solid food?
Are you doing Baby Led Weaning? Because we heard when you do that you can raise this like totally independent sort of European-style baby who will just, you know, pick up a goddamn carrot and go to town it perfectly happily while you sit there and rake in all the compliments from your friends on what a humanlike baby you have. But our kid just sits there and looks at the carrot when we put it on his tray and also this one time he kind of choked on a carrot but maybe it was just gagged and we totally forgot the baby CPR that we only just learned a year ago, so we don't know what the hell to do. Are those food pouches better than the food in the jars? The baby really likes that jarred stuff but the food in the jars just seems like it's for people who don't care as much about their babies.