This weekend, I was celebrating my birthday (which is today, but you knew that already) with some friends. My pal Julie presented a beautiful birthday cake she had made me, confiding that she had gotten clearance from my husband to make the cake ahead of time. I'll just present to you, without commentary, the email exchange that went down to ensure that this cake was approved by Steve.
On 4/12/13 1:00 PM, Julie wrote:
Hey Steve,
I was just wondering if you were getting a cake for Claire's birthday on Monday or this weekend or anything. The reason I'm asking is because I wanted to make a cake to surprise her with for our Supper Club on Saturday night but I didn't want to a) overload Claire with cakes and b) steal the real cake's thunder.
Please advise.
From: Steve
Date: Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: question
To: Julie
Hey Julie,
I really appreciate how thoughtful, intelligent, and capable you somehow have come to think I am. I would barely even know where to buy a cake, let alone how to make one, so I'll absolutely leave it to the professionals. That'll be infinitely better than anything I come up with for her (likely half of a cookie, tucked inside a folded paper plate).
Though maybe now you've given me a challenge and I have to out do your cake!
- Steve