you've been to a White Sox or Blackhawks game anytime in the last ten
years or so, you're most likely familiar with today's interviewee's
booming voice. Gene Honda is the announcer for those teams as well as
the voice of DePaul basketball, the Chicago Marathon, the Big Ten Men's
Basketball Tournament and the NCAA Final Four. Honda has also done
voiceover and on-screen work for various media outlets, including
Chicago's WTTW-TV, and "Chicago Works," the city's 24-hour information
station. He is also an instructor in the city's After School Matters
program, teaching sports broadcasting to teens at Chicago's Curie High
School. Honda is also a University of Illinois alum, who was inducted
into the Illini Media Hall of Fame in 2008.
Do you have any pregame rituals before you announce for the Blackhawks or the Sox or any other teams?
for the Blackhawks, but for both, the first thing you better do is go
online someplace and try very hard to get the right pronunciations for
the visiting teams. More so for hockey 'cause you only get one shot at
it. For hockey, you'll get them for one night and maybe that's it unless
it's a division rival.
Where do you find the pronunciations?
League Baseball really doesn't have one. They're pretty bad about
having a pronunciation guide. They have one they print out that's given
only to the media. The irony of that is they're just printed up in
February when they report for spring training. The problem with that is
it's based off a sporting man roster. That's great, except that by the
time they start a season, the roster changes, and come September, when
you can expand your playing roster form 25 to 40, a lot of those guys
weren't there at the beginning of the season. The first thing you do is
go and contact their sports information director who's there at the
ballpark, or their PR director. In the pros it's called PR. In college
it's sports relation director. And then you ask them.
Do you ever hear from the players or management if you mispronounce a name?
was funny because it happened to be a player that wasn't even new. We'd
said his name the same way time and time again and all of a sudden last
season they said, "Oh by the way, they've changed where they want you
to put the emphasis." I'm trying to think who that was. He's with
Hopefully it wasn't Jim Thome.
a funny one. In the major league baseball pronunciation guide it has
him as "Tomi" and you said it correctly, but every time I've heard it
from other announcers, broadcasters say "Tom-ay." Like Mel Tormé. So
when the White Sox acquired him I went to our PR director and I said,
"Okay, so how do I say his name?"We drove over to meet him and our PR
director said, "This is our announcer. He'd like to know how you say
your name." And instead of answering he looks at me and he says "You're
the announcer?" And I said "Yeah."
"You're the one that goes Frank Thomas?"
And I go, "What are you doing listening to that?
But it is "Tomi." And by the way, that introduction started the nicest friendship with me and him and his family.
Well,he seems like the nicest guy.
is. And so is his family. For three years I helped him and his wife do a
fundraiser in Peoria in honor of his late mother for Children's
Hospital of Illinois. It's a great fundraiser.
When you get to the stadium do you warm up or how do you prepare?
really. Except I have a couple of cigarettes before I go upstairs. You
go to the copy book and see if anything's been changed. The nice thing
is I'm used to that routine.
I don't know if you're allowed to say this but of all the places you announce, which is the most comfortable?
wish there was such a place. You get a little nervous every time, even
still. And you know what? I kind of like that. I know there are people
who don't like getting nervous but if I'm not a little nervous it means I
don't care. Having that little edge can be an advantage. The only place
I'm comfortable is where I'm sitting right now, in my office at home.
Tell me about what you do with After School Matters.
been lucky enough to be an instructor with them for 11 years. I teach
in a sports broadcasting class. The students are apprentices, they're
paid. We train them to be able to produce the components that are
required for a weekly sports television show. It's been a ton of fun, a
lot of work. I tell them I hope one of these days some of them get
involved directly with broadcasting, although a lot of them go into
other areas. But the one thing I always tell them is, "I hope you get
into this business, it's been very good for me, but if not I hope you
take from this that anything you can do to expand your ability to speak
in public will help you in any job you decide to undertake." That's the
advice my father gave me and it's what led me to broadcasting.
Was public speaking part of your father's career?
Very much so. My late father was an architect and for almost 40 years he worked with Bertrand Goldberg
who was the architect for Marina City, River city, and for Astor Tower.
Dad was a good public speaker. He was also an interpreter for the U.S.
Army during World War II so he valued the ability to speak in public, to
represent his firm. I'm sure what he really meant for me to do was take
a speaking class in college. Instead his idiot son wandered into a
radio station.
That's really cool that both you and your dad made your mark on Chicago.
Oh, I don't know about me yet. That story is still being written.
Who are some of your favorite announcers either living or dead in pro sports or college?
I never thought of that. If you grew up in Chicago your idea of a PA
announcer was Pat Piper over at Wrigley Field. Back then it was all
informational. Pat Piper was the last living PA announcer who was a
carry-over from the days when they had multiple announcers lining the
field with megaphones to inform the fans of who is batting and player
changes. You couldn't do it with just one: you needed about seven around
the field to inform that section of what's going on. And then all of a
sudden came microphones. Pat made the transition. Ed Bradley was cool.
Part of the reason Dad wanted me to go into speech training was his
belief was that I talk too fast, which I think I still do. But one of
the things that you find is if you slow down you can enunciate better
and that's one thing I do pretty well. Ed Bradley was so crisp and
clean: even under duress, it was there.
What have been some of the most memorable games you've announced?
The Illinois/Arizona game, Rosemont 2005.
I had to work that game and be a neutral party. That was the game where
Illinois was down fifteen points with five minutes left and I'm sitting
there going, "You idiots are going to screw this up!" I thought, wait, a
minute, lose that thought, concentrate on the job. When I announced
three point basket by Garett Williams, I couldn't figure out why the
building was moving. I looked up and thought, "Hey, they tied it, how'd
they do that?" The All-Star game for the White Sox in 2003 was an
amazing game. And I've had the pleasure of working the year the
Blackhawks came from five goals down to win the cup, Jim Thome's 500th
home run. And then the whole Stanley Cup run was amazing. In some ways
that was more enjoyable than the White Sox because there was more time
in between games. With the White Sox after the World Series you go, "Wow
it's over!" because you play every day. With the Hawks it stretches
things out when you don't play every day.
When was your big break?
getting hired by a radio station that actually paid. Working at a
college station, even though it was a good college station, to get that
first job is always really important. It gave me a chance not only to
work for a real company, plus the program dictator that hired me had
been a program director and disk jockey in Los Angeles so he knew the
business a lot better than a lot of other people. There were some hard
lessons to learn, and if it weren't for people like him, I would not be
in a position to do a bunch of different things like I get to do now. I
love not just doing sports, I love being able to do other things. The
Channel 11 pledge is a good example. You don't want to get pigeonholed
as just being one thing. What's nice is that thanks to things like the
pledge and After School Matters, I'm not.
What are some of your favorite teams that you don't call for?
I've always been a Chicagoan, a city kid. Yeah, that means you cheer
for both baseball teams, just maybe not when we play each other.
What would people be surprised to know is difficult about your job?
research. For example, tonight I get to interview an actress in town
working on a project. Kathleen Robertson is in town working on "Boss."
You have to do research and know something about your guest. Same thing
with the pledge drive. If I don't put in a good three plus hours
researching the artists, the background, all of those things, I'm dead
when I get on. One of my father's jokes was, "Boy you're lucky that all
you have to do is homework." When you have to get a job, that's worse.
And it's funny, we hide it. Instead of calling it homework, we call it
"research." Research my ass, it's homework. The only difference is
you're getting paid for it.
How do you spend your free time?
should be cleaning my house! Yesterday was the first full day that I've
had off in about a month. I'm not complaining but I spent ten days on
the road, five in New Orleans. I was announcing the Final Four and then
the NCAA was kind enough to ask me to do the men's national hockey
championships. I have no idea where but somehow they got the idea I
could do hockey. And so I went to Tampa. It was wonderful. They're
playing the tournament games and there's a beautifully renovated arena.
So there's ten days. I came home, then I have my last week of teaching. I
have our closing celebrations and there were also two Blackhawks
playoff games, so spring cleaning got pushed aside. So what do I do in
my spare time? Things like that. I still love golf. I still play hockey
Monday nights.
What is the most difficult sport to call?
basketball, because you can't lapse. There's always something to
announce -- points, fouls, whatever the action is. They give you the
best vantage point. You're sitting right at center court. But it's also
tough to see. But if you do miss something, there's someone there to
help tell you what you miss. In baseball and hockey there are pauses,
but when things happen in hockey they happen fast. I played hockey in
college so you're at least used to the pace, you know what you need to
prepare for. You better be aware of when on the clock things occur.
way you have to watch changes [when you announce]. You don't get to
watch as a fan -- it's your job. In some ways, if you do your job
correctly, at the end of the game if someone asks you who won you may
not have the answer. We joke about this. Throughout the years, you get
to know all of the scoreboard people, and there are a lot of them. It
now takes a full television production staff to do all of the images and
things you see, and we joke that we're ruined for life; we'll never be
able to watch a sporting event the same way. You're wondering ," Why did
they do that there?" or "How did they do that?"
How were you cast in The Dilemma?
were doing all the scenes at The United Center, at a Blackhawks game.
When it came time to find the announcer, that was me. Right place, right
time. In true Hollywood fashion, I had to audition for the part.
I would imagine Vince Vaughn is familiar with you.
But the director wasn't. You feel a little weird walking in to audition for your own job. And there were four members of the Ice Crew who also auditioned, so then it's like, hell, if they make them audition that's not so bad.
said it must be cool meeting Vince Vaughn and Kevin James, which it
was, but my thrill was not meeting them, it was meeting the
producer/director. How often do you get to meet Ron Howard? Talk about
an interesting individual. Just mention his name to people you know and
you'll get an idea of how old they are by how they refer to him. Is it
as Opie? Is it as Richie Cunningham? Or is it as the guy who
directed...pick a movie.
The funny thing is that was my second
movie. I'm on a once every twenty years schedule. The first role was a
Japanese businessman [in Opportunity Knocks.]
There's a woman who runs a casting agency specializing in Asian
Americans. One of the toughest things when she was getting started was
finding males. So she asked, "If you have free time, can you go to a
couple of auditions?" Sure. And I actually got a couple and that was
one. The weird thing was, I had to learn how to speak Japanese. So I had
to get the lines translated for me. My mother was alive at that point
and I'm going through the lines with her. And then we got to one which
included a lot of cursing, and mother was a very proper woman and when
she heard those lines she said, "I'm not teaching you how to talk that
way" and she hung up on me. And I called her back and I said, "Mom, it's
just for a movie, it's not a big deal." And she said, "You're not
learning those words from me," and she hung up again. She passed away
never having seen the film because she knew what those lines were.
For any sport, are there particular player names you enjoy saying?
be lying if I didn't say Frank Thomas. After hearing a lot of other
announcers, especially in basketball where they shout. I may be
splitting hairs, but there's a difference between shouting and
projecting. So anyway, years pass, and here comes this imposing figure,
he's huge. The bat looks small in his hands. He's warming up and we're
not allowed to use nicknames, the guys on the air are calling him the
Big Hurt. So where do you take his name? I'll take it where I can take
it: down. So it became Fraaaank Thomas. For some odd reason,
that's the presentation people remember. The White Sox were kind enough
to invite me to the ball park the day he was going to announce his
retirement. He had requested I introduce him the way I just did. So we
were in a hallway and he comes up and gives me a huge bear hug and says,
"Well you're only going to have to say it one more time, unless you
work at old timers games."
How does it feel to be the 314th person interviewed for Zulkey.com?
always an honor to be asked to be interviewed because it means someone
is interested in what you do and how you do it. So I thank you for being
curious. There are people that think what you do is something that
comes natural, and maybe it is, but I think people don't understand what
sort of work it takes to get to that place. And I always say I've been
very lucky. But I had one producer who looked at me and said, "No,
you're not. You know what luck is? Luck is when ability and opportunity
meet." What a nice way to say it. You feel like you've put in the work
to earn your position.
It's been a pleasure. I've been a White Sox fan my entire life and so your voice is a constant presence.
I got hired I was working for WLAK and that's when the opening occurred
for the White Sox. I'd been there a year and you're looking for any
positive way to get your name out. Long story short, I sent an audition
tape over to the Sox, I heard later they got 600 tapes off one paper
article and they picked mine. It was an audio cassette. No pictures, no
nothing. They weren't expecting to see this face when I walked in the
door. It surprised the hell out of them, but when people ask about equal
opportunity, that's pretty equal. That's another thing I tell my
students, you're ability to speak can really make a difference in how
people perceive you. So thanks.