A.) Been there, done that. You're traditional with a twist: You're already raising two beautiful children from one dad and now you're working on your new family. You're a cute, glamorous, down-to-earth mom who somehow manages to balance a career and family and look good doing it. Everyone hates you a little bit.
B.) No one can believe that a mess such as yourself managed to get knocked up (except for the fact that everyone knows how babies are made). It seems impossible that you're going to give up drinking, smoking and cold cuts for nine whole months, plus you're contractually obligated to be TV gold without these props. Pregnancy/babies as entertainment? You'll figure it out. You're probably going to be a great mom and surprise everyone, including yourself.
C.) You look great while being pregnant and hope that your fiancee will stick around this time and also have a good season.
D.) You're so gorgeous that even when you're bloated, two weeks past your due date and miserable, you look better than most other women out there. Unfortunately, professionally, you're still known as that girl from (the real-world version of) The Transformers. Despite your gorgeousness your pregnancy will be overshadowed by less-gorgeous but more-interesting others.
E.) You're pregnant again but more importantly, what is your single sister doing????
F.) You're large and in charge and don't care who knows how hungry or horny you are, because guess what, jerks--not only are you going to lose weight, you're probably going to get paid to do so. You may be known for being a ditz but you're incredibly successful and will ultimately have the last laugh. Now, where are the buttered Pop-Tarts?
If you chose:
A.) Your pregnant celebrity spirit guide is: Reese Witherspoon
B.) Your pregnant celebrity spirit guide is: Snooki
C.) Your pregnant celebrity spirit guide is: Kristin Cavallari
D.) Your pregnant celebrity spirit guide is: Megan Fox
E.) Your pregnant celebrity spirit guide is: Kourtney Kardashian
F.) Your pregnant celebrity spirit guide is: Jessica Simpson