There are several events coming down the pike where I'll be reading, talking, performing and all other variations of "opening up my mouth and letting words spill out." I hope you can come check one or two out! This weekend you can actually check me out in Minneapolis, if you happen to be a Twin Cities sort of person (or know someone who is). After that I'll be bumming around sweet home Chicago.

I'll be part of a Young Adult authors reading
and talk at the Red
Balloon Bookshop in Minneapolis at 7 p.m. with M. Molly
Backes, author of The Princesses of Iowa and James Klise, the author
of Love Drugged.
Saturday April 28
Jim and I will be panelling from 3:45-5 p.m.on the enticing topic "Then
Suddenly, Without Warning" at the Loft
The Children's and Young Adult Literature Conference
June 7
I make my debut at the reading series Story Club at Uncommon
Ground, reading on the topic "Rites of Passage."
June 19
7-8:30 p.m. at the Hideout, I'll be hosting my last Funny Ha-Ha before I
take an unofficial "maternity leave" from running the show. The lineup
is forthcoming but I'm planning on it featuring lots of old friends of
the show.
Saturday June 30
Funny female fun
at the Book Cellar with The Kates at 7 p.m.!