Today I chat with a Second City fixture, one of the few performers to have belonged to the all three of the Toronto, Chicago and Detroit touring companies. You may recognize him as "that guy who is in everything." Lately you may have seen him in The Office, Key and Peele or Eastbound and Down. He was also a cast member and writer for SNL from 2000-2001 and has appeared in comedy classics and favorites like Community, Carpoolers, Lucky Louie, Mr. Show and Arrested Development. He is the first person to have sent back an audio file of emailed questions and I quite enjoyed hearing him answer my questions (it was like a phone conversation, only I didn't have to do any work) so I thought I'd share the recorded answers here with you.
1. When you come back to Chicago, are there any restaurants or bars that you make a point of hitting up?
2. What are your favorite memories of performing here?
3. What's something or someone who's not in comedy that makes you laugh on a regular basis?
4. What's the process of creating a character? How much of it is stagework and how much of it is writing or collaborating with others?
5. When you do standup, do you have a method for handling hecklers?
6. You do a lot of impressions: are there any you've come close to nailing but just can't quite perfect, for some reason or another?
7. What's are some comedies (TV or movie) that you'd stop and watch if you were scrolling through the channels and found randomly?
8. You've been on many series came and went too early (at least according to their fans.) If you could have added one more season to just one of the shows you were on, which would you choose and why?
9. Your Mr. Wizard video was delightfully silly: what are some of your other proudest moments in terms of video shorts?
10. As far as I can tell, you're not on Twitter: is there any particular reason why? Do your colleagues pressure you at all to get on it?
11. From the perspective as an audience member and/or a performer, what do you think is the hardest to get through, a bad sketch, some bad improv or a bad standup set and why?
12. Do Midwestern comic actors tend to stick together in L.A.?
13. What do you typically get most recognized for out in public?
14. What are you working on now that we can see you in soon?
15. How does it feel to be the 306th person interviewed for