I never knew my mother and now I feel sad
My mom's an out-of-control alcoholic
I can't watch my mother die
My family hates me
My family is racist; my partner is Malaysian
I'm dying and I just want my kids to get along
Three deaths make wedding plans hard
I fear a lonely future in the U.S.
My doctor put me on Xanax for years
Since I quit heroin I don't like sex
I'm 38, nearly a Ph.D., in despair
I'm a 30-year-old virgin
I'm 25 ... and I've wasted my life!
21 and miserable. How do I cope?
I hate my life -- so I'm supposed to feel grateful?!
I have everything. My life is empty
I've had a horrible year but my friends don't care
My friends betrayed me and now I trust no one
Why is friendship so painful?
Am I broken?
To see all of the questions, see Salon's Since You Asked section.