My Sleep Number

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I wrote about Sleep Number beds several years ago, and I'm discovering the frightening truth that everything I write eventually comes true. This one thing, anyway. I'm working from home today because I'm expecting the delivery of our own Sleep Number bed.

I actually had no problem with my prior mattress. If anything, I was very attached to it because my mom bought it for me when I first moved out of the house and she waited at my new apartment for me the day it was delivered while I went to work. I don't know much about the mattress to be honest. It's from Bloomingdales. I think it's fairly firm. I'm a pretty hard sleeper.

My husband isn't, though, and he claims something along the lines of whenever I shift around in bed, it's like a small earthquake occurs (although you could argue that whenever he gulps water from his bedside plastic bottle, it sounds like a tsunami). Steve's parents have a Sleep Number bed which they're crazy about so with the combination of Steve's complaints of my rocking and rolling and a Sleep Number sale, a few weeks ago one Sunday evening he got a call from them and he turned to me and asked "Do we want a new bed?"

We were on the couch watching TV so this question seemed kind of sudden. Um, I didn't know. What kind? When? Why? Did we have to answer that very second? Could we try one out first?

Which is why two weeks ago we found ourselves at the Select Comfort store at Old Orchard. Mattress shopping is pretty tedious work in my opinion, coupled with the weird stress of feeling like I was being quizzed during the Sleep Number Finding process. The Sleep Number person empties and fills the bed and you're supposed to let him/her know when it feels right. It all felt OK to me so I just kind of guessed but apparently I picked the same number both times so I think that means something (for the record I'm a 40). We eventually tried a mattress that actually felt like one from a hotel that advertises its better-than-average mattresses, and experienced the special fabric Sleep Number makes that allegedly keeps the bed cool (I'm one of those people who can't live if it's hot when I sleep, because sleeping without a blanket on just feels incorrect.) The Sleep Number mattress seemed like it would work out and we agreed to Steve's parents' very generous offer.

Anyway, my old Bloomingdales mattress is going in the guest room where I'll go visit it now and then and Steve's old mattress that's there now is probably going in the alley (so get there early for savings!) If the Sleep Number doesn't solve the problem of me waking Steve up every time I shift, then I might be reuniting with it soon.