Make Us Say Thanks, John Danks!
Oh My Goyd, It's Gavin Floyd!
Bobby (Jenks) Ain't Slobby!
Scott Linebrink Never Line-stinks!
Jake Peavey Makes My Chest Heav-ey!
Tony Pena es Muy Buena!
JJ (Putz) Is OK-K!
There's Nothing (Sergio) Santos Cantos Do!
Matt (Thornton) Doesn't Bat But If He Did He Would Be Great!
Randy (Williams) Is Eye Candy!
I Love (Donny) Lucy!
AJ (Pierzynski) is All the Rage-ay!
(Gordon) Beckham is As Good As Heck-am!
Maul That Ball, Paul (Konerko)!
(Mark) Kotsay is Hotsay!
(Jayson) Nix Lix the Competition!
(Alexei) Ramirez, Hit a Grand Slamirez!
(Mark) Teahen Makes Me Go OMG-hen!
Gomar, Omar (Vizquel)!
Go U Andruw (Jones)!
Juan (Pierre) Sort of Sounds Like the Word "Won" Which Is What We're Going to Say We Did When This Game Is Over!!!!!!
(Carlos) Quentin Can Put a Dent in the Ball!
(Alex) Rios is Full of Brio!