Sorry You Married Me

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I celebrated my first wedding anniversary yesterday (yes, go me) and got to shop for the first time for an anniversary card for my husband, which was a way more difficult task than I thought. Basically, the cards fell into three messages:

1) "Any modicum of attention you pay to me makes me feel extremely special. Thank you SO much for deigning to be with me. I don't deserve it."

2) "Even though we've had an extremely rough time being married to each other, it hasn't been all bad, right?"

3) "You fart a lot!"

As for #1, that's very sweet but not entirely always the case. Sometimes we go whole stretches of the day not paying any attention to one another and it's kind of nice. I thought marriage means being confident that you're with the person you're with, and not thinking "Oh my goodness: he DOES love me, after all!" at every turn. Maybe after all this year of marriage I'm just jaded.

As for #2, sure, every marriage has not great parts but for me, not so bad that it needs to be put in a card. Sheesh. That's sort of a bummer.

#3: We don't do that.

I just wish they had cards that said "Being married to you is fun! Let's do it another year at least. I heart you."

Instead I just got one with wiener dogs on it.