Scene: the workroom. BRAD calls RACHEL.
Brad: Rachel
Rachel: Brad.
Brad: We only have an hour with Anne Hathaway to try on her Oscar gown.
Rachel: Shut up.
Brad: I know.
They remain on the phone, silent, for three hours.
Scene: Anne Hathaway is trying on a beautiful ball gown in the office.
Rachel: GASP
Brad: I know.
Rachel: Shut up.
They all eat four cheeseburgers each.
Scene: Rachel's office.
Rachel: Brad. I mean it this time. I've literally come undone.
Brad: I know.
Rachel unzips a zipper running down the front of her body and steps out of her own skin.
Scene: Brad and Rachel are talking about Anne Hathaway's Oscar dresses
Rachel: She's literally going to knock it out of the park.
Later that day: with two outs and Hugh Jackman on the mound, Anne Hathaway hits a late-game grand slam to win the Academy Awards.
Scene: Rachel's house. Rachel, Brad and Taylor are watching the Oscars and see Anne Hathaway on the screen.
Rachel: Oh my god. I die.
She lays down in her crypt, crosses her hands over her chest and drifts off into eternal slumber.
Scene: A grocery store.
Rachel: That is bananas.
(She points to some bananas.)
Brad: Uh, don't you mean "Those ARE bananas?"
Rachel: You've got such a Braditude, Brad!
Taylor: I don't get why you love Brad so much and I've been working here longer than he has.
Rachel: Oh Tay! It's because you're fat.
They all laugh, pull on their masks and rob the grocery store a gunpoint, killing three people and escaping with $300 in cash and $100 in bananas.
Scene: Rachel and Rodger's bedroom.
Rachel: Babe, I'm so stressed out.
Rodger: I know, babe.
Rachel: Why is there a d in your name, babe?
Rodger: I don't know, babe. Why do you wear those weird floppy knit hats so much lately?
Rachel: Babe!
Scene: The office
Taylor scowls, because her extremely flammable hair finally caught on fire.