A "normal" guy dates a pool of women of various sizes
REJECTED: The guy will choose a skinny woman.
A fat guy dates a pool of women of various sizes
REJECTED: The guy will choose a skinny woman
A "normal" guy dates a pool of larger women
REJECTED: This would never, ever, EVER happen! You're fired.
A "normal" woman dates a pool of fat men
REJECTED: This show is already on TV and it's called "The King of Queens"/"The Simpsons"/"Family Guy"/"The Honeymooners"/"The Flintstones"/"Dinosaurs"/"Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
A fat guy dates a racially diverse pool of larger women
REJECTED: The black women would get sick of the white women crying and either hit them or leave the show.
A fat guy marries a bitchy fat woman
REJECTED: See: "Bridezillas"
So, yeah: If you want to read my writeup of the actual show, go here. Warning, it has a touch of "language," which by my Twitter buddies deemed "in poor taste" but "inaccurate? no."