Alternate Takes for the Black Eyed Peas' Line "You so 2000-and-late" in "Boom Boom Pow"

"You so 2000-and-skate" (translation: in addition to being awkwardly out of style, your car is broken hence your transportation consists of a skateboard or rollerskates, AND/OR you cannot afford to eat red meat so instead you feast upon a cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae in the superorder Batoidea of rays)

"You so 2000 and Kate" (translation: in addition to being hopelessly behind the times, you have a stupid haircut, too many children and your husband doesn't want to be with you anymore, possibly due to your famewhoring ways)

"You so 20000 and Slate" (translation: in addition to falling out of touch, you are killing newspapers).

"You so 2000 and grate" (translation: in addition to being out of fashion, your cheese comes in a block and you must waste valuable time and energy if you want it in delicious melty sprinkle form.)

"You so 2000 and Crate" (translation: you're behind the times, and you shop at Crate and Barrel because you are too lazy and unoriginal to find unique housewares at small independent boutiques and antique shops).

"You so 2000 and lait" (translation: you are irrelevant, and your coffee has milk in it, because you are not hardcore enough to drink it black)

"Boom Boom Pow"">