Aaw, she's so cute.
Ha ha, he's funny.
Man that sounds nice, Christmas without your family. I wish I could do that!
Aha ha ha, they look funny in those shirts. I wish I was going to Fiji though...
...oh no!
Ha ha! Sex joke.
...oh no! IN-LAWS! Oh man! That's the worst!
Uh-oh, those guys look like trouble. Funny trouble.
Ha ha! Sex joke.
Ha ha! Oedipal joke.
Ha ha!! Fat joke.
YES! Reese Witherspoon gets hit in the face in this movie?!
Aaww, this seem sweet...wait...physical violence! Ha! Crotch violence!!
I hope that baby's ok! But it's with Reese Witherspoon so I'm sure it is.
Aaw, Vince Vaughn is funny. And Reese Witherspoon is sweet!
Ew, baby puke! Ha!
I can't wait to see this movie! I am going to bring my girlfriends, or possibly my husband to go see it. Yay!
Hey, I am collecting second-hand stories. Have one? Send it in.