According to Mr. Snuggles, Raisin is nothing more than "a lipstick-wearing pitbull." But had Mr. Snuggles looked more closely, he'd realize that Raisin is actually a Staffordshire Terrier.
How disgraceful. Snuggles. Short on facts. Bad for the Obamas.
Paid for by petters of Raisin.
King says that he's a "good boy," but in 2007 not once, not twice but three times he peed on the rug on purpose. Is this the kind of dog we want in the White House?
Paid for by the supporters of Noogie Bowser, MD.
Tootsie says she wants to "share the love." Oh really, Tootsie?
Tootsie . We don't need socialism in the dog house.
Paid for by the supporters of true American dogs.
Noogie says he loves "all people" but there have been at least three separate recorded incidents of him not loving "all" Americans. If you know what we mean. You know, he likes some people, not others...that's right. He's a racist dog.
My name is King and I approve this message and when I peed on the rug it was an ACCIDENT and I am so, so sorry. Let me prove to you how sorry I am.