I've noticed a disturbing ad campaign that the hair care company Sunsilk is waging, one that pits blondes vs. brunettes. The tension between these two factions of women has always been palpable, but it seems a little exploitive to mine the color war for revenue. It's rather irresponsible, I should say, like some metaphor with a powder keg and a match, I say. You know what I mean.
The campaign started off with the typical offensives. Blondes are dumb. Brunettes are wallflowers. Blondes are sluts. Brunettes are ugly. Kind of insulting but nothing we've never heard before, but now, the barbs are getting a little more pointed. Look on any bus ad or magazine insert and now you're seeing allegations like the following, accompanied by a cute icon of a blonde (or brunette) getting smashed by a bottle of shampoo:
Those blondes like to get pregnant and have abortions FOR FUN.
Brunettes are more likely to be illegal immigrants!
Hitler liked blondes!
Brunettes are all fat!
Now, of course, my non-blonde policy is well documented and has been a part of me since before this rather demeaning ad campaign. I've always tried to have brunette-only friends, and any exception to the rule is the result of trickery/witchcraft. I always figured maybe in the future we can be friends, but it's just not going to happen in my lifetime.
But I'm realizing, this blonde on brunette warfare has gone far enough. Is this how we want to see the world to see us? Squabbling and murdering each other simply over haircolor? How are we going to explain this to our granddaughters? Do we ever remember, even, how this all started? (Oh yeah, it was when that one bitchy blonde took away the boyfriend from that one brunette but come on, that happened, like, thousands of years ago.) We can be strong together. Let's look past color and put our powers together! And take down those redheads for once and for all.