Today is the day to sneak out the back.
Finish Steve and Waki's video!
I just got a note from the condo assoc for floors 10-12 that some residents have had bedbugs. Ick. The sanitation service is coming. Fine. Thursday. Thursday? That's kind of short notice. Then it says, "Included in this letter is a simple four step action plan that you can do in order to facilitate the inspection process in your unit."
1. Strip beds, remove all sheets, blankets, pillowcases, mattress covers and pillows from the bed and place these items into sealed plastic bags until they are laundered.
2. Stand mattress and box springs up against the wall to make them accessible for inspection.
3. Pull furniture at least one foot from wall so we can access behind the furniture.
4. Remove any encasements on the mattress and/or box spring."
I know that bedbugs are no joke but give me a break: do any of these steps seem the slightest bit simple, easy or convenient?
Then the form goes on to list some additional quick steps I can take to aid the inspectors:
5. Rip up the carpeting and roll to one side.
6. Replace all light bulbs with ones of the highest possible wattage in order to improve visibility.
7. Cover or remove any religious icons.
8. Use a candle or scented oils to make the room smell like vanilla (but not French vanilla).
9. Make cookies and leave them out (NO PEANUT PRODUCTS)
10. Tips are appreciated.