Today is the day to retire the number.
The Team Pam/Karen shirts are almost all sold out! For reals! Find them here!
The thing these days with perfumes and scents is that they all have to have 'stories' and be combined to create other scents. So why only buy "Tuberose" perfume when you can buy Amber & Lavender, Nutmeg & Ginger, Vetyver (don't ask me what that is), Nectarine Blossom & Honey and Pomegranate Noir in order to create Tuberose. That's what the little brochure for Jo Malone fragrances seems to indicate, anyway, with the little menu they have on the back that shows how you can take many perfumes to create one perfume. I think they still have a few bugs in their system though because one scent off and you've got a terrible situation on your hands:
Nutmet & Ginger + Vetyver + Grapefruit + Pomegranate Nore + 154=Amber & Lavender
Nutmet & Ginger + Vetyver + Grapefruit + Pomegranate Nore + Tuberose=Baby Poo
Amber & Lavender + Grapefruit + Verbenas of Provence + Nectarine Blossom + Honey + Orange Blossom=Nutmeg & Ginger
Amber & Lavender + Grapefruit + Verbenas of the Jersey Shore + Nectarine Blossom + Honey + Orange Blossom=Stale Beer & Dandruff
Amber & Lavender+Vetyver+Orange Blossom+Vintage Gardenia+Wild Fig & Cassis=Black Vetyver Cafe
Amber & Lavender+Vetyver+Orange Blossom+Vintage Gardenia+Wild Pig & Cassis=Black Tar
Amber & Lavender + Grapefruit + Honeysuckle & Jasmine + Blue Agava & Cacao+ Wild Fig & Cassis=Vetyver
Amber & Lavender + Red Roses+ Honeysuckle & Jasmine Guy+ Blue Agava & Cacao+ Wild Fig & Cassis=A Shitty Mid-Season Sitcom
Nutmeg& Ginger + Vetyver + Lime Basil & Mandarin + Tuberose=Grapefruit
Nutmeg & Ginger + Vetyver + Lime Basil & Mandarin + Vintage Garden=That Airport Smell of Coffee and MacDonald's
Amber & Lavender + Nutmeg & Ginger + Grapefruit + Pomegranate Noir + Blue Agava & Cacao=154
Amber & Lavender + Nutmeg & Ginger + Grapefruit + Pomegranate Noir + Blue Agava & Cacao + The Devil's Sperm=666