Today is the day to stop shocking yourself.
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So, obviously, the big news over the weekend is that Britney Spears shaved her head. She did it herself, for some reason while on a trip to get some tattoos. Here is a photo with her new do:

Honestly, I don't think she looks too bad. Kind of GI Jane ish, or maybe Sigourney Weaver in that installment of "Alien" that I didn't see because I think aliens are scary. However, everyone is freaking out about this new development, mostly because we can all agree that the young mother of two lately has not been acting in the most stable way. While shaving one's head is not inherently a sign of insanity, when you do it for no seemingly particular reason in front of a bunch of paparazzi and you've been behaving strangely for what seems like the last two years, it's weird. Hair, after all, is a big thing to women. It's a sign of our femininity, and Britney definitely used to be all about the hair, having it blow around and stuff all the time, you know, with the hair, and stuff. She got so caught up in her own hair that it started getting a little ridiculous, with the dying and the bad extensions, and stuff.
So not only does shearing one's hair seem like a strange move for a woman (unless you're doing it for a role in a movie, or dealing with chemotherapy), the spur of the moment shaving also has negative implications. Specifically, because of this guy:

Does he look like a happy camper to you? Does he look like he's about to stage a triumphant comeback to his singing career and show everyone that he's the girl we originally loved so many years ago? Or does it look like he's about to attempt to kill a politician and then maybe get shot by a pimp? Does he look like he's taking good care of his two young sons?
I think that's unfair, though. Travis Bickle is not a real person; he is a fictional character played by that one guy whose name I always forget when the pressure is on and Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman always come to mind (and then when I have to think of THEM then HIS name pops into my head.) Why does baldness have to demonstrate edginess and insanity, or perhaps a postapocalyptic world, or disease? I think that maybe it's possible Britney was going for a positive change in her life. There are plenty of wonderful, happy, attractive bald people in the world. Like this man:

Yeah, that's my dad, Edward Zulkey. See his head? Does he look like he's about to have a mental breakdown? Like he's on drugs? Like he just got divorced from one of the biggest losers in history who is now looking pretty good in comparison? No way. He has a loving family, a great job, and a spiffy bow tie. I'm putting forth the theory that Britney knows bald is beautiful, and bald is a positive change in her life. I also predict than in many years she'll be the general counsel of a large law firm, be very handy with the barbecue and that one of her children will be blogging about her baldness in an extremely inane way.