Tribute bands

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Yesterday a friend of mine sent me an article called "Snowmageddon has arrived!" from the Chicago Southtown, which is a pretty awful headline, but, I thought, "Snowmageddon" could be a great name for a band. And not just any band but a snow tribute band (no, not the rapper, the 'white stuff' as they annoyingly call it in local news when they run out of adjectives for snow [too bad we're not Eskimo]). There are plenty of tribute bands that play homage to other, more famous bands, like Liverpool (the Beatles) or Lez Zeppelin (lesbian Led Zeppelin cover band).

It made me wonder though, why do tribute bands only have to pay tribute to other bands? Why can't they pay tribute to things? A snow tribute band would be pretty awesome. You could rock about snow, and its various attributes, maybe cover a few more general winter-specific Christmas carols ("Frosty the Snowman," "Winter Wonderland.")

Then I started thinking about what else might deserve a tribute band, or at least might make for an interesting tribute band. Here are a few:

My boyfriend's cat (who sometimes goes by the name "Fatty White")
Band name: Great White
Songs: "Cat Scratch Fever," "Cheeseburger in Paradise," "The Bitch is Back."

The film "Norbit"
Band name: Tibron
Songs: "Brick House," "Amazing Grace," "Party All the Time," "Johnny Are You Queer"

OK I admit that's all I've got. What do you think? What deserves a tribute band and how would you set it up?