Today is the day to fix the damn cable.
Guest Diarist: Mary Brown
Top Three Reasons Celebrity Moms Rule
Angelina J.
Katie H.
Britney S.
-What do these celebrity women have in common? Unmarried with children? No; Britney and K-Fed possess a marriage license.
Give up? Angie, Kate and Brit are the only women on earth to procreate. And while this celebrity trio got their maternal on the old-fashioned way (except Suri, the result of a visit from the space stork), others like Calista F. and Sharon S. selflessly contribute to the famous baby boom through (simple, quick) adoption.
Why the glut of superstar matriarchs?
1. The pure joy of living with a famous baby... fresh rose petals, platinum diaper wipe warmers and peppermint rainbows.
2. Tabloid covers: When editors aren't morphing more couple names, a steady supply of Mom 'n' Tot Celebs keep tabloids in Cover Muthas.
3. Book deal. Can't be long before Hollywood Moms pen a book for regular, boring moms. Watch for "Altruism & Sunshine: A Very Special Essay Collection" at your favorite book seller soon.