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The American Idol Top 24 Contestants Evaluation
Several years ago, a show called "American Idol" appeared on TV here, and I got on board early, only a little ashamed that I got so into it. Fortunately the little-known show has acquired some gathering so I don't have to be completely ashamed of following it.
This year, the show put forth more of an effort to introduce viewers to the contestants before the call-in competition begins, so I have much earlier unasked-for input on the contestants than in previous years.
Tonight starts the competition of the top 24 contestants, now that the tryouts are complete. If you are betting on the show, I wanted to provide my input on the contestants (based on personality, looks and what I recall about their talent), both as a seasoned fan and as a female who has an intuition for what the average (female) fan likes. I am merely providing my insights because I don't really know how to do oddsmaking: I was not paying attention in math class when we talked about odds. Also you should know I have never called in to vote for a contestant. I'm not really sure why you should know that but you should.
Now, on with the evaluations. All photos are from the official AI page.
This girl, Ayla, has it all. She's a good athlete, she's a good singer, she's probably got straight A's, and she's got nice long hair. Thus, she must fail at something. Sorry. I'm sure she works really hard at everything she does and I appreciate that but we know Ayla will be a success in no matter what so let's give the honors to somebody who needs it. Plus nobody likes a girl who's too perfect.
Becky is really not that great a singer but she's really pretty. Don't feel bad for her, though: she's got an identical twin sister. I'm sure they can capitalize on that somehow.
Ace is the pretty boy of the competition so he has a fighting chance. Ladies, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for him to marry you. I'm not insinuating anything, it's just the odds are against it.
Bobby is the fat guy of the competition. That worked for Ruben but Bobby has that sort of effeminate fat-guy look, where you can tell he put his weight on in his hips and so on. Which I think women find less attractive than your typical obese male. However Bobby was pretty charming when he found out that he made it into the top 24 so I feel some affection for him.
Brenna is the 'bitch" of the show. American Idol doesn't usually have a bitch, so we'll see how this works out. Some people like the reality TV show bitch (Brenna fought with her teammates during the competition and talked back to Simon.) I'm not one of those people. However she told the judges that she would make good TV and I like it when reality TV people recognize they're on TV and don't pretend that it's the real world.
I don't remember anything about her singing. And I just have to say I have a prejudice against blondes until they are proven worthy.
For some reason Bucky, like Heather, was not profiled much if at all up to tonight's show so I know nothing abou thim. I hate the hair on his head and face though.
Chris is going to be one of the "rockers" of the show, and he has a sob story, having gallantly married a lady who has two kids by another husband. He does everything for her so it's nice that he's following his dream, blah blah blah. We'll all pretend he'll stay loyal to her now that he's famous. I like him though, especially since he doesn't have nasty long hair like Bo or Constantine. And looks-wise, he sort of reminds me of Ben Brown.
Katherine is my favorite and my pick to win the whole shebang. She's cute but in a natural way. She seems fairly genuine and talented. She's young but not too young. Go Katherine.
The blonde thing again, plus Kellie has an unfortunate last name.Then again I thought it was charming when she talked about buying waterproof mascara so she wouldn't ruin her makeup in front of the judges when she cried. So I don't hate her.
David is cute as a snug bug in a rug riding a pug drinking glug from a jug. He's too young though. But Illinois represent!
I like Elliott. There is something about him that makes him remind me of guys I went to high school with. It's probably the stupid pose. He doesn't have the package to go all the way but he has a place in my heart.
I know nothing about Kinnik at all. She has a cool name though.
Lisa is a very cute little 17 year old. I think she's too young though, like David: she's almost a little forgettable.
Gedeon funked things up for himself by being extremely cocky in the final round show, proving himself pretty unlikeable.
Ah, Sway. You have such a stupid nickname. Also the bald head is not going to work for you. Plus, this has nothing to do with my personal preferences but Hispanic contestants have not done extremely well in American Idol history. That said I wish you the best of luck and urge you just to go with "Jose Penala" and drop the "Sway."
I love Mandisa. Look how pretty she is! Simon was giving her crap for being a heavy girl, and she is big: not just big, but with a really impressive butt that is sort of its own entity. She has a great voice and I hope she can take it further than Frenchie did before she got kicked off. I like that she was classy when she laid into Simon but I hope she doesn't talk about Jesus Christ anymore because I just don't want to hear about Jesus when I watch FOX.
Melissa: eh.
Simon, while being himself, was completely right when he said everyone over the age of 80 will love Kevin. He's nice and cute but does he look like your American Idol? No. He looks like the younger brother of my friend Waki.
Patrick sort of reminds me of the guy who played a nerd in a sitcom and is now trying to convince you that he's actually not nerdy, although you can tell he totally is. He's a good singer. He's also got a long, elegant swan's neck.
I think Paris is cute. She's young like Lisa but she's more memorable to me. She's teeny tiny and has this little high voice when she speaks. She had short hair in the auditions which I preferred to this though.
I think the name "Stevie" is catching on for girls. However I don't really have much to say about this one.
I really liked Taylor when he first appeared on the show because he's an underdog and because I have a thing for guys with prematurely gray hair. However soon his Ray Charles bit started to annoy me, as well as his haircut (not the color.) He won't last that long.
Something about this kid creeps me out. Maybe because he hasn't aged since he was on the Wonder Years?