Other catchphrases that need to go in the trash

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Today is the day to reinvent the wheel.

The disdain for "threw up in my mouth" won't go away, so today I'll wrap up the final comments on the subject.

Iva-Marie Palmer wrote in to say:

"I have made it my New Year’s resolution to not utter, “Have a good one.” Every time I say it, it registers as sort of icky and I can’t quite figure out what the aforementioned ‘one’ is. Could be a good day. Could be a good bunion-nibbling session. It’s just too ambiguous and open to interpretation and if there’s one thing people don’t need more of, it’s uncertainty. Also, when I say this, I sometimes feel like the person’s creepy uncle with a bad mustache.

I may replace this trite turn of phrase with the vintage (though possibly just as creepy) “Keep on Truckin’.”

Steve Caruso couldn't help himself:

"I wanted to huddle up and touch base with you on this issue, but then I decided that reinventing the wheel wasn't mission critical as this point."

Kevin Guilfoile gave me a history lesson (albeit probably not as important as learning about, say, the Civil War):

"' I threw up in my mouth a little bit' way predates Dodgeball. Here's a WAV file of Seth Green saying it in Goldmember, although I'm certain it was already in the vernacular before that."

And City Wendy had her own thoughts:

""Woot" What? I don't get it." (There are more in the link above.)

Anyway, I'm glad we all got this off our chest.

Meanwhile, calmly sitting by with very few catchphrases is my mom, Mrs. Zulkey.com, who has an advice column here. Have a question? Send it in.