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For some reason the UFO sightings still freak me out. I'm 27 years old with plenty of other more real and present things to worry about--war, buying a home, whether my RAZR is way too uncool--but still, I worry about the spaceships.
See, o ver the holidays the Chicago Tribune reported that many people reported seeing a flying saucer type thing hovering over O'Hare National Airport on November 7.
According to reporter Jon Hilkevitch, those witnesses included pilots, ramp workers, mechanics and management officials at United Airlines, who consistently reported the same thing from spots like the tarmac and from 25 feet up in the cockpit of a Boeing 777.
As Hilkevitch writes, "The unidentified aerial phenomenon was dark gray and shaped like a disc, it hovered in a fixed position above Concourse C of the United Airlines terminal, and it vanished with a burst of energy that cut a hole in the overcast skies. The fact that officials at United Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration initially denied any knowledge of the incident--despite evidence I had that they were well aware of it--made the story even more appealing."
This seems pretty real to me. The spotting was confirmed by more than one person--people who've probably had to be checked for mental stability or some such thing when they were hired by United Airlines. These aren't a bunch of people who all work together in a cabin in the woods making crystal meth. And meanwhile the spotting didn't occur at some random spot in Illinois--this was at the world's (sometimes) busiest airport. I'm not saying I 100% believe in the story, but I definitely less than 100% disbelieve it.
As a personal aside, I think if the alien invasion came I'm not so afraid of what the aliens would do to us but because of the mass panic that would ensue upon their arrival. We all remember how everything fell apart in "Independence Day." That would freak me out, especially since I live in a high rise--it would be an effort just to get down out of the building (I'm going to assume that the elevators will be broken at the time for some reason.)
But then, of course, while I'm kind of freaking out about an alien invasion, I read the quotes from people who are willing to have their words recorded and repeated in the media about how they believe in UFO's. This was "an excellent, stunning case involving a genuine UFO from some other part of our galaxy or our universe," said Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center.
That might be true. But coming from somebody else, it sounds crazy.
Silly crazies.
But I'm still kind of scared.
On the other hand, I just realized, maybe aliens who automatically fly into the airport are decent folk. You wouldn't go to Europe and enter via a farm, would you? No, you'd use some sort of port, too.