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Dear Mrs. Is Going to Call it the Way She Sees It
Dear Mrs.,
When is it time for adult children not to call you "Mrs. Zulkey" or "Auntie Mrs. Zulkey". It seems awkward for our children to address you as "Mrs. Zulkey" now that our childrens' years are 30+. What would you advise your children to call their parents' friends?
I've been sitting on this excellent question for quite awhile,
not because I'm ambivalent about my answer, but because I'm fearful that several
young handsome and beautiful, talented and intelligent, friendly and dear
people might think my response is pointed at them. It is not.
I have always advised my children to continue to call the older generation
Mr. or Mrs. until invited to do otherwise. There are older adults who will
insist you address them by their first names, but you cannot assume that it's
your call to make. It's preferable to err on the side of formality. This may
sound old fashioned, but it's simply the traditional way of handling the issue.
The gap between our ages may seem to shrink as you age, but that's not really
the question. Rather, continuing the surname usage seems to me a display of
sentimental affection for the length or gentleness of our connection. If you
were to run into your second grade teacher, would you call her Candy? No,
I think she would always be Mrs. Brewster to you, the courtesy title indicating
a fondness for and deference to your prior relationship.
I realized what a generational thing this is when I visited my opththalmologist,
a woman close to my own age, who addressed me as Mrs. while her quite young
receptionist called me by my first name. And though it's happened numerous
times, I'm still disconcerted when a high school sales clerk looks at my credit
card and calls me by my first name while I, a woman of a certain age, as they
say, continue to address the parents of my friends as Mr. or Mrs. I would
feel awkward indeed to call them by their first names, even if I knew what
they were.
I'm glad the question was asked, as you are probably sorry it was, but I am
willing to make one concession. If I'm sharing a cocktail on the patio some
summer evening with a member of the younger set, I wouldn't take umbrage to
your calling me Mrs. Z., which lends a friendly wink towards the informal
formality of the situation.
With great fondness I remain,
Mrs. Zulkey
Mrs. does not only answer questions about fussy etiquette rules but if you want to ask her more about that too, go ahead. Send her an email.