A guest editor

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Today is the day to write an angry letter.

Your usual editor, Claire Zulkey, is not in this week. She's busy doing other important things. Or maybe she's travelling. Actually, she might be sick. Or maybe she just needs a little repriever from all you mouse-monkeys and screen-slobberers.

I am your guest editor for the week. Who am I? You don't need to know any particulars about my name, or my qualifications, or my contact information. The point is, I am a guest editor!

Why do I exist? Why on earth does a site (or a 'blog') need a guest editor? Partially, it is because Claire is so important that I jumped at the chance to do her free work for her while she was gone. I consider it an honor, quite frankly.

Also, I know that most of you would probably die from loneliness were this site to languish without new content for more than a few days.

(Actually, more likely, Claire worries that unless new content is posted, you will go away and never come back.)

But we pass the savings on to you with our guest editor. Me. I'm like the backup news anchor, the comic strip rerun, the "previously aired" Saturday Night Live. Somebody is off doing something else but the point is, we are so important that we can operate an auto pilot and you will love it.
