July 12, 2004

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July 12, 2004

Today is the day to ask Billy Corgan what he thinks.

Buy my book!

I have baby fever. Who doesn't? It seems, lately, that all my friends are getting married, having babies and I'm just here to eat chocolates and hang out with my mom and dog and look bad in swimsuits while my boyfriend waffles and my uterus screams out. No wait, that's not me, that's Cathy. However, this part is true: People with babies have been taking their kids to 'baby yoga.' I have some other baby-related ideas so I can make a little moolah off this 'making babies do things that adults do that they don't need and won't really undestand' with several programs guaranteed to enrich your tot.

Baby Accounting

Baby Firefighting

Baby Culinary School

Baby Computer Training

Baby Kickboxing