A rude conversation-leaver

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March 15, 2004

Today is the day to give someone the business.


So I was at this party in Austin this weekend and happened to meet this guy who had a sort of interesting job. Apparently he hated talking about it, however, because after about a minute of conversation, he said "Well, I'm gonna go over here now," and left.

This was kind of dismaying not because it was rude, but because that I have used a similar line when I was done speaking with someone and wanted to get out of the conversation but couldn't, or couldn't bother to think of a good excuse. Some other really bad ones:

"I'm going to go get another drink" (when your drink is more than halfway full)

"What? Oh, I think somebody is calling me."

"I'm going to go get some fresh air" (Insinuating that regular old air is preferable to that particular human being.)

"I really have to pee. (Having come straight out of the bathroom.)

Have you had really terrible excuses used on you, or have you used them, in order to leave conversations? Please share them, so we can use them on other people in the future, or if they are used on us, we can feel that even if it's a rude one, it's a small world after all.