Excerpt From E!'s Hot New Show, "Reasons Why This Canker Sore Totally Sucks"

March 8 , 2004

Today is the day to ask your monkey friend for help.


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Excerpt From E!'s Hot New Show, "Reasons Why This Canker Sore Totally Sucks"

Ashanti: "Oh my god, I totally remember this canker sore."

Nicole Ritchie: "This canker sore is such a pain in the ass."

Julie O'Hagerty, up-and-coming New York gossip columnist: "In March of 2004, all everyone could talk about was how much this canker sore sucked. You weren't anyone if you weren't talking about it."

Miles Geflen, up-and-coming New York standup comic: "What's with the canker sore? You touch it with your tongue, and you're like, you're like..."

Nasty McGee, E! weekend late night replacement gay fashion gossip: "Ow, honey! Ow. Whoo! Sock it to me! Ow."

Nicole: "Yeah that canker sore hurts like a bitch. Oops! Can I say that?"

Miles: "But in a strange way I think I'll miss the canker sore when it's gone."

Nasty: "Oh honey, you must be tripping."

Nicole: "Shit. Oh my god! I can't believe I just said that! Ha ha ha!"