3 , 2004
Today is the day to prepare for Super Thursday.
Rank: Best Things About Giving Blood That Don't Help Anybody But Yourself
- Being pricked twice: For those of you who haven't given blood before, you actually need to be bled twice in one day. Once in the finger to test your blood iron level, and then once in the arm for the actual bloodletting. This double poking shows that you are truly hardcore. Downside: Ow.
- Scary quiz: "Have you ever had sex in prison?" "Have you ever had sex for drugs?" Blood donation sources need to ask you these kind of questions before letting you give blood. As you answer, you realize that you're actually a pretty good, law abiding person after all. Downside: The curveball "Have you felt ill in the last three weeks." Who hasn't?
- Comfy Chair: Once you actually are settled up and ready to donate, you get to sit in this really nice, raised recliner with big arm rests. Sort of like a cross between a throne and a La-Z-Boy. Downside: Try not to think about whether people have bled all over it.
- Indulging in movies/magazines: You're giving blood! Of course you need to kick back and relax, so now is the time to partake, without guilt, of the old magazines or crummy videos the center provides. Downside: One time the center was showing "In and Out" and that was awful.
- Cool track marks: If you've been poked enough, you can show a smattering of light holes on the inside of your elbow. Not enough to get anyone's attention but were someone to look closely, you'd look pretty tough. Downside: Be careful just to admire them in private. You look weird if you're staring too closely at your arm in public.
- Cookies and Juice: Blood donation centers are awesome for providing the best treats ever: Oreos, animal crackers, pretzels, popcorn. And since you've donated blood, you have to eat. Downside: You may ending up eating and weighing more then the pint they've taken out of you.
- Getting praised even when you can't do what you're supposed to. If you're like me, you get turned away a lot for low iron. Even still, people congratulate you, sometimes even give you a sticker, just for coming in, so you don't feel too bad. Downside: You feel kind of guilty taking the cookies.