Today is the day to act depressed because you want people to ask you what's wrong.
The Triumphant Return of Dr. Hot Pants
Dr. Hot Pants is back in the internet world, with wonderful stories of her new outpatient experience, and possibly ready to answer your questions. Here is a bit of correspondence from her of late:
"We are taking this ridiculous smoking cessation class, so we have to spend all this time asking smokers how they feel about statements like "the world would be a better place without my smoking," or "smoking contradicts my view of myself as a caring person." Nice, huh? All it has done so far is make me want to take up cigarettes.
"I have now done seven pap smears in a week and I am getting much better! Interestingly, doing pap smears is how I found out that I need new glasses, because I absolutely cannot see far enough to see from the labia to the cervix, which is pretty sad because that is like three or four inches. But you know-- it's really dark in there! So I got in trouble because I was getting my face too close to the vagina, which was something I really never expected to be an issue in my life, but that's med school for you."
So send in your questions to Dr. Hot Pants. Just write me an email with the subject line reading "Hot Pants" and I'll get it on to her. Like with the question below, she might not always have a good or correct answer, but she'll still answer it anyway. Atta girl, doc.
Dr. Hot Pants:
My wife doesn't do a lot of drinking, but she can put back three Long Island Iced Teas without really feeling the effects, or drink a glass of white wine or wine cooler and not notice it. But one glass of red wine and she's utterly blotto. She doesn't present any other symptoms whatsoever -- she just goes from zero to sozzled in ten sips. Is this unusual?
Sulfites? Histamines? I Tried For A Certain Acrostic, But Failed
I still don't know the answer to this, but I had a bad experience with vodka last night that makes me unable to even think about alcohol for at least another week or so. Maybe by then I will have figured something out.
~Dr. Hot Pants.