Today is the day to play badminton until you can't play no more.
So many events this week...
Guest Listmaker: Chris Cook
I thought I would share with you a recent list from the email suggestion box at our downstate call center. Not working here, it may not be as fun for you, but these are a constant source of entertainment for us in the Chicago office.
Facility Issues
We need a jucier juice machine
We need an awning/overhand out back and 2-3 more picnic tables.
Enclosed smokers hut for winter.
Dress code should be casual everyday
Work-Related Issues
If Terri doesnt like her job, why is she still here? She talks under
her breath all day long? What does her job consist of? To ride a scooter around
the office all day long? I want her job, I am sure she makes more than me!!!
Does Dan have answers to anything or is he just taking our oxygen for a paycheck?
He makes people feel like we are 2 inches tall. What college did he go to
because that school sucked for him!!! He really isnt management material!!!
He is too wishy-washy. He always answers with an, I dont know.
Insane Suggestions and Personal Attacks
Hire More Hot Guys.
We should all have those hats that hold two coffee cups with straws going
to your mouth and a person that gives refills as needed (especially us crackheads
that cant get our fix at work!)
Tell people not to sing out loud on Saturdays. For people that dont
have music to listen to, this is very annoying.
Terri needs to goshe is the major reason for the moral level!!! Dan
is a completely different story!!! We all know who thinks they run the show
and would be Terri. Dan lets her do whatever, and actually she has said that
to a few of us here. She curses and is very unprofessional. She is very nasty
to all who get in her way and you can truly tell whom she likes and who she
doesnt She hasnt ever belittled me, but several of my co-workers
have. She talks bad about reps to other reps all of the time She doesnt
work, she just lollygags around the office shooting the breezevery rarely
is she in her office. What exactly is she supposed to be doing: When Lee was
here, he workednever did he discuss anything to any of the repsnever
yelled or belittled them and never acted like he was the boss. I keep praying
that she would get what is coming to herNOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. IT IS