July 11, 2002
Today is the day to walk around in a state of undress.
Hello. I am proud to say that I have contributed to The New York Morning News, with a piece called "The Arther Andersen Trial: Not as Boring as it Seems." If you didn't understand the controversy before, you certainly will now.
So I got this weird piece of spam email yesterday, and it perplexed me. So when something perplexes me, I like to figure out what it's all about. So here is the spam, and there is my response.
From: nicholerichi@yahoo.com:
Thanks for getting back, sorry it took me so long to respond. I really
enjoyed reading what you had to say and I just wanted to let you know that
things might
spark between us. I like things to be short term and discreet. I don't go
out much because I'm tied up with work, and the spare time that I have I take
care of myself. You sound like a really sweet guy, I need someone to make
me feel relaxed and stress free. I would love to have a strong man to massage
every part of my body when I get home from work. My family and friends always
tell me that I should take some time of work and relax and have some fun;
after all I am
an attractive and very sexy young woman. When I do get some time to myself,
I would love to get crazy and wild and make lots of passionate love. Anyways,
I don't want to get out hand, but sometimes I just can't help it. I like expressing
myself to the fullest. I am also a very open minded person when it comes down
to sex. I have lots of fantasies that hopefully one day can turn into realalities.
Well anyhow, I hope we can hit it of right and see how thing go.
You can never have too many good friends.
P S If your still interested you know where to find me
http://www.myhotpage.net/nichole where you can find out a little bit more
about me, but most importantly so we can get acquainted.
au revoir
From: clairezulkey@hotmail.com
I have to say I am rather upset it took you so long to get back to me, since I wrote such a carefully-crafted scribe to you, but I"m glad that you liked it, and I'm happy to hear that things might spark between us.
However, your email confused me to a certain degree. You mention being 'tied up with work,' but obviously, that's not true, because you have time to send spam out to people you've never met.
Also, while I am sweet and strong, I have to point out: I'm not a guy. Actually,
we have a lot in common: we're both attractive and very sexy young women and
share some similar views towards sex, so I guess if you're looking
for a gal-pal to spill your guts to, that's fun, as long as it's fair and
you listen to my problems as well. I can't listen to you detail your horniest
fantasies without me getting a word in edgewise. Because otherwise this will
be just a one-sided acquaintship, you know?
But you are right, you can never have too many friends. Oh and your website is very tasteful.
I look forward to hearing from you in the future!
Your new best friend in the whole wide world,