I'm an automotive writer now

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38676544_1722649237850181_170751733432057856_o.jpg...because I have an article in Subaru Drive magazine! And also I have a contributor bio which I have always secretly dreamed of (along with being asked to do one of those "Things I Can't Live Without" articles, or being paid a lot to write an advice column.) Also, I don't mind telling you that I also had a piece in Costco's magazine. This is the second story I have sold about my terrible ordeal of sleeping in a bedbug infested bed shortly before the 2016 election, and it feels good to get something back from that experience.  

Also here is a Q&A I wrote with Kim Brooks, author of the book Small Animals, which explores the ways mothers are shamed and judged (by each other often, too), with the onus much heavier for women of color and poor mothers, etc. She wrote it after getting arrested for leaving her son in the car to make a quick run into Walgreens. Naturally this story gets BIG opinions from people about the safety of children/the negativity of society/the spoiling of children. One variation on a comment that really made me mad was that the  real  problem is that Brooks was raising a spoiled child by letting him have what he wanted, IE time alone in the car with his screen, and that if she had just been a good mother and forced him out of the car with her this wouldn't have happened. To which I say, you clearly don't live with a four year old boy or have not done so in a long time. If you do so, you will realize that the payoff of five minutes alone in Walgreens while your child is happily occupied and locked up is probably not worth the ordeal of getting arrested, but close.