YOU CAN BUY Publications THAT I AM IN!

The Very Best Weblog Writing Ever by Anyone Anywhere in the Whole Wide World Vol I

My book! Girls! Girls! Girls! (no longer available)

Mississippi Review: Volume 10, Number 4, Fall 2004
Featuring "Blaming J.Lo"

Midnight Mind #6
Featuring "In Praise of the Hangover"

Come visit my store on CafePress!

Wordriot 2003 Anthology
Featuring "The Shinist"

American Journal of Print Volume #3
Featuring "Birdwatching"

Words! Words! Words! Issue #3
Featuring "Georgia"

Pindeldyboz Volume #2
Featuring "We Are Claire, You Are Not"

Read Diary Archives

All original work on this site is copyright 2002, Claire Zulkey