Zulkey.com Free Medical Advice on Food Poisoning

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Zulkey.com Free Medical Advice on Food Poisoning

Patient's Chart: My boyfriend

11:30 AM: Fed patient five strips bacon, which were technically not past the good-by date, but had been in a package opened (although kept in a sealed refrigeratored Ziploc bag) for over a week. Bacon was cooked in microwave and ingested with much joy.

2:15 PM: Email received from patient: "Could bacon possibly go bad?  Or did you poison me?  I suddenly feel really sick.:

2:17 PM: Email sent explaining bacon situation

2:30 PM: Email received: " I don't know what it is.  Maybe I'm hungry.  I'll try making a sandwich."

3:16 PM: Email received: "I feel better now.  Just hungry, I guess. "

Patient diagnosed with food poisoning cured by sandwich and then released.